Kathmandu colleges enjoyed Initiative Outdoor courses
During the Monsoon
Malpi International School joined Initiative Outdoor for two weeks on camping. The courses for grades 4 and 5 ran for five days each and students learned about the environment, camping, composting, and rock climbing. It was a true monsoon experience.
Grade 4-Enjoying the beautiful monsoon weather |
A special worm habitat is explored by gloved hands as students pick through the compost. |
Students learn knots for climbing |
During the Fall
OCCED Nepal participated in a one-day raft course. Students learned to set up raft shelters, went swimming and enjoyed the good life on the Trisuli River.
Here what Anne had to say!
"Back last night from a really successful and thoroughly enjoyable white water rafting/camping trip and that was just me. The children had a fabulous time, helped with getting the rafts blown up, and most of them had the chance to paddle and direct the rafts. They had the chance to jump into the river in the calm waters and try swimming with their life jackets on and they were soon quite good and the crawl and back stroke. They helped with erecting the tents , preparing, meals, cooking and cleaning up. They learned so many life lessons over the past 2 days as well as pure enjoyment of their natural world. It is the most beautiful country for natural wonders with some of the highest mountains in the world and 6 of the best white water rivers in the world. A huge thank you to Chandra Ale and his staff at Initiative Outdoors for organizing it for me !!"
Participants ready to go! |
During the Winter
Gyanodaya International Residential College participated in a 3-day course focusing on backpacking and outdoor skills. They really enjoyed our yoga lessons in the morning!
Learning to cook |
Students take a break on the trail |
Making time for quiet in the early morning |
During the Spring
The British School spent two nights with Initiative Outdoor the course emphasized cooking, Leave No Trace principles, and team building activities.
Students make their own lunches after chopping and vegetable washing lessons.
Students sit in the human chair to practice teamwork skills
As part of the environmental training students sort their garbage into three bins. Compost, trash, and Recycling. |
For more information on our University Programs check out our next post!